
Our Autobiography in the making.



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For Community Organizers, train other organizers, community residents and elected officials on the data behind sectors such as housing, transportation and heath. Help these groups understand how this information can be used during town hall meetings, public health forums and hearings and in campaigns to advocate for equitable change. 

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Educate elected officials to understand the importance of using an equity lens, acknowledging that lived experiences are data, and recognize community power and wisdom when designing policies, practices and programming.

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Partner with education, government non-profit and for profit agencies to build community capacity around using data.

This could include 1)Guiding community groups in creating, implementing, analyzing, and reporting on a community survey, focus group, or other research tools to gather information on local issues and 2)Training community groups about what relevant public data are available, how to use it, and how to request data and information from public agencies.